
Duration (S) 90 140 210 320 480 720 1080
Skill Effect (+) 10 12 15 18 21 25 30
Req PT 0 200 3000 13000 35000 85000 150000

Shining Cut Basic Knife, Sword, Axe, Spear 30 (FP) 6s
[Direction] Fast attack combo. Target: Another Race, Monster

Slasher Basic Knife, Axe, Mace 30 (FP) 6s
Powerful slash attack combo. Target: Another Race, Monster

Thrust Basic Sword, Spear 30 (FP) 6s
Short stab combo. Target: Another Race, Monster

Wild Rage Basic All 30 (FP) 1s
Increases close range attack ability. Target: Self

Accuracy Basic All 30 (FP) 1s
Increases close range aiming ability. Target: Self

Extend Range Basic All 30 (FP) 1s
Increases close range attack radius. Target: Self

Death Blow Expert Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 90 (FP) 12s
Powerful blow area effect attack. Target: Another Race, Monster

Power Cleave Expert Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 90 (FP) 12s
Slicing attack combo. Target: Another Race, Monster (Front)

Death Hack Expert Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 60 (FP) 12s
Furious attack combo. Target: Another Race, Monster

Skill Stretch Expert All 60 (FP) 1s
Increases duration of skill buffs. Target: Self (Cant effect Ability Skills and Class Skills)

Counter Attack Expert All 60 (FP) 1s
Increaes chance of avoiding attacks. Target: Self

Shield Rupture Expert All 60 (FP) 1s
Decreases opponents shield ability. Target: Another Race

Tornado Elite Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 135 (FP) 18s
Spinning area effect attack. Target: Another Race, Monster

Pressure Bomb Elite Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 135 (FP) 18s
Jump and crush combo. Target: Another Race, Monster (Front)

Hysteria Elite Knife, Sword, Axe, Mace, Spear 90 (FP) 18s
Strong shock attack. Target: Another Race, Monster

Bull's Eye Elite All 90 (FP) 1s
Increases close range critical hit chance. Target: Self

Cleanse Elite All 90 (FP) 24s
Removes imposed skills/force. Target: Self

Duration (S) 90 140 210 320 480 720 1080
Skill Effect (+) 10 12 15 18 21 25 30
Req PT 0 200 3000 13000 35000 85000 150000

Fast Shot Basic Bow, Firearm, Throwing 30 (FP) 6s
[Direction] Fast ranged attack combo. Target: Another Race, Monster

Speed Load Basic All 30 (FP) 1s
Increases reload speed. Target: Self

Precision Basic All 30 (FP) 1s
Increases ranged aiming ability. Target: Self

Multi Shot Expert Bow 90 (FP) 12s
Multiple arrow shot. Target: Another Race, Monster

Aiming Shot Expert Firearm, Throwing 60 (FP) 12s
Slow but very accurate shot. Target: Another Race, Monster

Wide Range Expert All 60 (FP) 1s
Increases ranged attack radius. Target: Self

Evasion Expert All 60 (FP) 1s
Increases dodge ability. Target: Self

Destructive Shot Elite Bow, Throwing 90 (FP) 18s
Power shot (Throwing skill) Target: Another Race, Monster

Wild Shot Elite Firearm 180 (FP) 18s
Multiple area effect shots. Target: Another Race, Monster

Crossfire Elite All 90 (FP) 1s
Increases ranged critical hit chance. Target: Self

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